Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Flash player

Make object follows the path using Motion Tween Animation

1.      Create a new flash movie.

2.      Rename the layer to the object.

3.       Make a circle object using Tool on Oval Toollbox

4.       Change the object into a symbol with a behavior Graphic

5.       Click on frame 35 on the Timeline and give a Keyframe

6.       Create a new layer, name this layer with track names, place it below the object layer.

7.       Make a track on this layer using the Pencil Tool in the Toolbox

8.       Click frame 1 Layer objects and move objects at the beginning of the track.

9.      Click on frame 35 Layer objects and move objects at the end of the track that has been created.

10.  Return to frame 1, click the Insert> Create Motion Tween

11.  Right click on the Layer Lintasandan click Guide, there will be a picture hammer on Layer trajectory.

12.  Click Layer object, hold and drag / shear layer so that the object is under Layer track, hammer picture changed in the Layer track.

13.  Test the movie


  • Create a new flash movie.

    ·          Type TRAVELLING article using the Text Tool

    ·         Click on frame 50, and then click the Insert> Keyframe.

    ·         Click the Insert menu> Layer to create a new layer so that there are two layers in the timeline.

    ·         Click Layer 2 to move from Layer 1.

    ·         Create a rectangle with rectange Tool, rectangle made on TRAVELLING. The selection rectangle and change into a symbol of the Graphic behavior.

    ·         Click 25Layer frame 2, then click Insert> Keyframe and drag a rectangle under the words.

    ·         Klik Frame 50 and move the rectangle back out on paper.

    ·         Click frame 1, then click Insert> Create Motion Tween or click the right mouse button and select Create Motion Tween or click Properties and on the Tween choose Motion.

    ·         Perform step 10 in frame 25.

    ·         Right-click and select Layer 2 Mask

    ·         Test the movie

    i put my movie here


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